The Battle of Muellerbach, 1622

A Fictional Scenario for While the Devil Rules


In the fields between Mannheim and Heidelberg, a Protestant League force is confronted by a force of German Imperialists. Both sides are eager for battle - the Imperialists because they are confident of victory, and the Protestants because they know that if they do not fight soon, on equal terms, a large reenforcement of Spanish veterans will arrive from the Netherlands to assist their enemies.

The Tabletop

The tabletop is shown below. The hill is rough and will provide cover. Any single unit may deploy in the village, and will receive a benefit of hard cover - it is also rough for movement. The village cannot hold more then 2 bases of troops. The stream is fordable at all point, and acts as a linear obstacle, but will provide an uphill combat modifier for troops defending a bank aganist at attack from the far side.

The two sides set up behind the lines indicated. Each wing of their armies should have its location plotted on the map before play begins, in secret, and they should take turns revealing their deployments. Units in a wing must be deployed together.

Orders of Battle

Protestant League (Breakpoint 45)

Center - Overall Commander: Johann Georg von Brandenburg

    3 Veteran Dutch Battalions: Scots and "Blue" Regiments

    3 Dutch Battalions: Hessian ("Red"), "Light Green" and "Green" regiments

    1 Battery Medium Field Guns

    1 Battery Regimental Guns

Right Cavalry Wing (Georg Frederick von Baden-Durlach)

    2 Cuirassier Squadrons

    3 Harquebusier Squadrons

    1 Battery Regimental Guns

Left Cavalry Wing (General Leslie)

    4 Harquebusier Squadrons

    1 Squadron Commanded Shot: 2 bases

    1 Battery Regimental Guns

Advance Guard (General Capek)

    3 Dragoon Companies

    1 Forlorn Hope

Imperialists (Breakpoint 43)

Center (Count of Bucquoy - Overall Commander)

    1 Veteran Tercio: 6 bases, Franconian

    2 Tercios: Each 6 bases, Bavarian and Wurttemberger

    1 Squadron Sword & Bucklermen: 2 bases

    1 Battery Medium Field Guns

    1 Battery Regimental Guns

Right Cavalry Wing (Graf von Gleichen)

    1 Guard Cuirassier Squadron (Lancers)

    2 Cuirassier Squadrons

    1 Harquebusier Squadron

    1 Battery Regimental Guns

Left cavalry Wing (Otto Friedrich von Schönburg)

    2 Cuirassier Squadrons

    2 Harquebusier Squadron

    1 Battery Regimental Guns

Advance Guard (Colonel Wilhelm von Baumgarten )

    1 Dragoon Company

    1 Forlorn Hope: Crabaten grenzer

    1 Squadron Crabaten Light Horse: 3 bases

Victory Conditions

The Imperialists are the Attacker for this scenario, even though it is essentially a meeting engagement. Both armies are rated Average, so for each base destroyed, 3 points will be counted against their break point. The goal is to break the opposing army.